- Give time off instead of pay raises
- Evaluate chronic use of overtime or overload, and cut where possible
- Eliminate overload pay during college vacations
- Have finance administrators review, critique, and sign off on collective bargaining agreements
- Implement rewards for cost saving ideas and deliver rewards as additional pay
- Review pay practices, especially in administration, for fairness
- Employ college aides instead of paying overtime
- Reduce abuse of compensatory time system
- Develop Pay-for-Performance or merit pay concepts
- Reduce pay of tenure review committee or make tenure review work part of regular assignments rather than extra pay assignments
- Solicit volunteers among full-time faculty to work reduced workloads for reduced pay
- Equalize Pay for Work performed by faculty (e.g., class sizes, labs, etc.)
- Stop automatic pay increases based on Cost of Living Allowances and the Consumer Price Index
- Ensure that individuals receiving augmented pay for bilingual skills are assigned to areas where such skills are needed
- Do not pay instructional rates for non-instructional staff work
- Pay part-time instructors on a course basis, rather than an hourly one
- Freeze all step increases at the mid-point of the range for a limited time
- Have employees voluntarily take from one to 20 days off per year without pay while retaining benefits
- Pay stipends for ESL student tutors in lieu of hiring ESL instructors
- Prevent abuses when giving credit for “life experience” when determining job or pay grade
- Redefine the college’s compensation philosophy to one that pays slightly below market
- Offer a voluntary leave program without pay and without replacements
- Institute voluntary or involuntary furloughs or unpaid leaves of absence
When you aim for perfection, you discover it’s a moving target.
- George Fisher
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