Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Administrative Functions

  • Convince state and federal governments to cut back on required paperwork
  • Establish more efficient and standardized administrative functions and procedures
  • Redesign purchasing to expedite orders and improve timeliness of information for accounting
  • Set up an online and an automated phone system for requests for records, catalogs, and other mailed items
  • Develop or purchase, and implement, telephone registration system
  • Improve control over central supplies
  • Merge redundant functions and positions
  • Develop a time-keeping system so funding requirements can be recorded and tracked
  • End classified administrators’ exemption for the standard evaluation and layoff process
  • Eliminate unnecessary second-tier positions within administrative functions
  • Consolidate centers and support functions to improve efficiency and reduce costs
  • Privatize selected support functions (e.g., food services, maintenance, parking, security, etc.)
  • Develop a better record-keeping system for classes
  • Eliminate or reduce administrative bureaucracy
  • Check on faculty who request leave as full-time and verify they are not part-time
  • Consolidate duplicative functions such as computing, testing disabled students, etc.
  • Establish a charge-back system for use of printing, mail, photocopying, data processing, etc.
  • Find simplified ways to process department charge-backs
  • Reduce the amount of time and people involved in administrators’ performance evaluations
  • Train managers in productivity improvement techniques
  • Reevaluate shift assignments to improve effectiveness of support functions
  • Stop employee theft
  • Track use of vendors to improve bidding position
  • Use universal ID numbers as student, employee, and vendor ID numbers
  • Adopt a total quality management (TQM) orientation to the workplace
  • Establish controls and support processes or systems to pursue cost recoveries on grants
  • Streamline work processes, paper flow, and infrastructure
  • Train managers in finance, interest-based bargaining, grant-writing, etc.
  • Re-examine matriculation costs
  • Offer four-day work weeks for some administrative or support positions and reduce salaries accordingly
  • Shift classified staff to nine-month work schedule, excluding only those needed for summer school
  • Investigate financial aid recipients to identify those not pursing studies
  • Collaborate with other area institutions to perform selective administrative functions (e.g., data processing, purchasing, etc.)
  • Establish controls and support processes or systems to pursue cost recoveries on grants
  • Streamline work processes, paper flow, and infrastructure
  • Train managers in finance, interest-based bargaining, grant-writing, etc.
  • Re-examine matriculation costs
  • Offer four-day work weeks for some administrative or support positions and reduce salaries accordingly
  • Shift classified staff to nine-month work schedule, excluding only those needed for summer school
  • Investigate financial aid recipients to identify those not pursing studies
  • Collaborate with other area institutions to perform selective administrative functions (e.g., data processing, purchasing, etc.)
  • Renegotiate phone rates
  • Keep old equipment if it still functions
  • Compare insurance coverage with different carriers
  • Do a cost-benefit analysis of the risk associated with self-insured

The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.
- Jonas Salk, M.D.


  1. Some additional ideas are:

    Renegotiate phone rates

    Keep old equipment if it still functions

    Compare insurance coverage with different carriers

    Do a cost-benefit analysis of the risk associated with self-insured

  2. Administration is often regarded as an overhead function – much of which is necessary, some of which is not. For example, employees agree that payroll is essential – they want to get paid – but whether it is done internally or through a third-party vendor may not matter to them. Colleges and universities need to careful when cutting costs during an economic downturn. Some cost cutting may save money today but cost more later.
