Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Potential Revenue

  • Establish additional “exclusive” contracts with outside vendors and share in revenues
  • Establish food franchises (e.g., Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, etc.)
  • Become a franchise training ground for franchise managers and employees
  • Contract with industry to provide faculty as consultants
  • Offer community library card for a fee
  • Offer student meal program with monthly pass
  • Produce touring children’s theater for fees for grades K-6
  • Receive royalties from internally developed telecourses used by other stations and colleges
  • Set up video game centers at the student union and other campus locations
  • Sponsor bank credit cards for students, employees, and alumni in return for receiving a percentage of charges
  • Build a gas station on campus for student and public use
  • Establish a line of college merchandise and appropriate distribution channels or store
  • Form a “for profit” corporation as a corporate umbrella for bookstore and cafeteria services
  • Install more vending machines
  • Open auto-repair garage where people pay for students’ repair services and use for vocational training
  • Provide fee-based exhibitions for student art
  • Put more shops on campus, including clothing shops and other currently popular chains
  • Sell lottery tickets on campus
  • Set up coffee and tea kiosks around campus

If you want to understand something, try to change it.
- Kurt Lewin

1 comment:

  1. Identifying opportunities for new revenue is always preferable to cutting costs. Colleges and universities should seek out innovative ways to diversify their revenue sources.
