Tuesday, August 18, 2009


  • Limit photocopying
  • Assign User ID apparatuses to all photocopiers
  • Balance photocopier loads and eliminate under-used machines
  • Install more photocopiers that print double-sided
  • Establish control over retirement of equipment and streamline the paperwork involved
  • Pursue and compare lease or purchase options instead of rentals when procuring office equipment
  • Standardize workspace requirements and equipment according to job responsibilities
  • Install less-expensive telephones at locations that do not require all functions
  • Provide personal computers and printers for use by students with pre-paid computer cards
  • Charge for computer lab time
  • Charge for computer paper
  • Charge for computer printouts on laser printers
  • Charge more for computer printouts on laser color printers
  • Charge more for computer printouts on color paper
  • Consolidate computer lab repair budgets on color printers
  • Perform life-cycle cost analysis on equipment
  • Consolidate computer lab repair budgets and use the most cost-effective repair technicians

Faith is a fine invention
For gentlemen who see;
But microscopes are prudent
In an emergency!
-Emily Dickenson, Faith is a Fine Invention


  1. Colleges and universities frequently obtain funding for acquisition of equipment but lack the resources to maintain them. Life-cycle cost analysis can help determine the optimal timing where maintenance costs surpass ownership costs.

  2. Colleges and universities frequently obtain funding for acquisition of equipment but often lack the resources to maintain them. Life-cycle cost analysis can help determine the optimal timing where maintenance costs surpass ownership costs.
